Page history
last edited
by David Shutkin 12 years, 7 months ago
Week One
1. June 18
- Introductions
- Overview and syllabus
- IntroBlog
- Workshop: Course BlogSpot
2. June 19
Music before class: The Fray - Uncertainty
A few thoughts about Autobiography
Bricks and Buckets or the Banking Method of Education...
3. June 20
Globalization & Nationalism
Reading: The American School 2, 3 (48-61):
Threads and Weblog
4. June 21
Why Teach?
Reading: Educational Foundations, Part 1 Discussion:
WebLog I due: (Share one idea from your initial blog)
Intellectual risks
Please bring a prop or two that captures a significant aspect or aspects of the readings for class today.
Week Two
5. June 25
Common Schools
Reading: The American School 4
Questions (some really challenging questions) from you to me...
Discuss: Timeline Assignment
6. June 26
Common Schools
Reading: The American School 5
A Few Questions:
What path did you take, whether purposely or otherwise, to get to the point where you are today as an educator? When you were a teenager, or 20-something, did you know where you'd be 20 years or so down the line? But my question for Dr. Shutkin and the class is kind of broad and open ended. If you could change one thing about education what would it be?
1. Three significant ideas or events, one from each of the three primary sections;
2. Analysis of these ideas;
3. Your responsibility aka your ability to respond indeed!
Writing Circles
7. June 27
Who are today’s students?
Reading: Educational Foundations, Part 2
Discussion: Please bring a prop or two that informs your synthesis of the readings for class today
8. June 28
- Bullough, R.V. and Pinnegar, S. (2001) Guidelines for autobiographical forms of self-study research. 13-21.
- Pinar, W. (2012) Chapter two, section one: To Run The Course: Currere. What Is Curriculum Theory. New York : Routledge. pp. 43-49. (What is Currere as a research methodology)
Discussions: “Autobiography in Teacher Education”
- Presenting Prop Performances
- Weblog partner exercise
- Earliest Time Line Entries... (if time permits)
- Writing Circles: Without references to specifics what is working, what is not working?
WebLog II due / Writing Circle 1
Week Three
9. July 2
Common Schools
Reading: The American School 7
- Subjugation: The deculturalization and assimilation of your people(s) into “Americans;”
- Mexican Americans
- Asian Americans
- Native Americans
- African Americans
- Puerto Ricans
- Using Ohio Link: Library
- Photographs from the Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, PA.
- An Indian Boarding School Photo Gallery
- Carlisle Indian Industrial School History
- The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
- Selected studies of classroom practice and African American Vernacular English:
- Godley, A., , & Escher, A. (2012). Bidialectal African American Adolescents' Beliefs About Spoken Language Expectations in English Classrooms.Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(8), 704-713.
- Godley, A. J., , & Minnici, A. (2008). Critical Language Pedagogy in an Urban High School English Class.Urban Education, 43(3), 319-346.
- Follow this link for a listing of selected examples of autobiographical historiography and autoethnography (self-study research)
10. July 3
From Nixon to Obama
Reading: The American School, 15
Writing Circles:
- Assessing blogposts using the course rubric.
- Back to the task at hand...
Ohio lawmakers approve Mayor Jackson's Cleveland schools plan after weeks of tense negotiatons
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, after weeks of tense negotiations, finally gained the legislative approval he needed on Tuesday to carry out his plan to reform the city's troubled schools. Full story »
July 4
Independence Day. No class.
11. July 5
Class meets in library for independent reading and writing and conferencing with Dr. Shutkin.
Writing Circles will meet.
Optional Reading: Saar, M. (2008). Understanding Genealogy: History, Power, and the Self. Journal of the Philosophy of History. 2 (3). 295-314.
Writing Circles
Timeline I due
Week Four
12. July 9
Migration and Welfare
Reading: The American School 8 (Who invented an American Culture?)
- Americanization : assimilation : deculturalization or Where did you come from?
- Home Economics and the invention/education of the consumer.
- "Ketchup is a vegetable:" the school cafeteria and Fast Food Nation
- Play, Social Control and the commodification of children...
WebLog III due
13. July 10
What Makes a Good Teacher?
Reading: Educational Foundations, Part 3: "What Makes a Good Teacher?"
(Based on your reading, identify guiding principles for a new teacher education program).
9. Freire
10. Ohanian
11. DiGuiulio
12. Postman and Weingartner
Writing Circles
14. July 11
Human Capital
Scientific Management & Pluralism
Reading: The American School, 9 or 10 or 11 (A teach-around: clarify your topic by teaching it to others)
A few Notes on assessment
9. Human Capital
10. Scientific Management
11. The Politics of Knowledge
1 |
9 a,b |
10a,b |
11 a,b |
2 |
9a,10a |
9b,11b |
10b,11a |
3 |
9b,10b |
9a,11a |
10a,11b |
Resources (chapter 11):
1. AFT - American Federation of Teachers - A Union of Professionals
2. NEA – The National Education Association
3. The American Legion
15. July 12
What Do Good Schools Look Like?
Reading: Educational Foundations, Part 4: What do good schools look like?
(A dramatic presentation on what students are doing all day. Conclude with an explication of the role of the school principal and/or vision of the school).
13. A.S. Neil
14. Meier
15. Washor
16. Donnell
Writing Circles
Writing Circle 2
Week Five
16. July 16
Assessing Student Learning?
Reading: Educational Foundations, Part 5
Discussion: I don't much like the assessment rubric for the timeline project. Based on the readings, in small groups and as a class, can we devise an alternative assessment?
Gallery time: Time Lines (in room OC211)
Viewing: Images from the Jim Crow era : A Prosaic Approach to Civil Rights Images
Timeline II due
17. July 17
Civil Rights, Multiculturalism and the War on Poverty
Reading: The American School, 13, pp. 366-376 and 14
Research Presentations: Group1
- Aaron Agrast
- Kate Bataille
- Emily Bertagnolli
- Maria Bertoncin
- Kayleigh Brickman
- Emily Eddings
- Daniel Fossa
- Georgana Fox
18. July 18
Developing a Critical Voice
Reading: Educational Foundations, Part 6
Research Presentations: Group2
- Angie Germano
- Stuart Gair
- Aaron Graora
- Maggie Junkin
- Meghan Keener
- Kate Lawson
- Liz Lewis
19. July 19
Concluding Thoughts:
When I do not know myself, I cannot know
who my students are. I will see them through
a glass darkly, in the shadows of my unexamined life
—and when I cannot see them clearly,
I cannot teach them well.
—Parker J. Palmer (1998, p. 2)
Research Presentations: Group3
- Courtney Maistros
- Andrew Petraska
- Jenna Rezac
- Kara Reiter
- Darcy Riley
- Jim Shurtleff
- Stacie Slay
- Shawn Zetzer
Research Report due
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (1)
David Shutkin said
at 2:21 pm on Jul 10, 2012
1. We have 7 remaining reading assignments. In lieu of these assigned readings, I am inclined to invite you to review the two course books and select 4 readings (any 4 readings) remaining in either book that will best support your interests and the development of your remaining BlogPosts and research.
2. This creates a pedagogical issue of how best to encourage discussion. This is what I propose:
•Everyone signs up to lead a 30 minute small group discussion based on:
◦1. a single reading and
◦2. your efforts to integrate your reading, timeline and direction of research
•Every discussion leader needs to bring a reading and/or handout and create a guided reading experience for their small group
•The small group discussion will culminate in a 10 minute class discussion that you lead.
•Goals will be to inform and engage the whole class and
•To get constructive feedback/input about the direction of your work.
•This format does NOT supplant regular writing circles.
We decided to vote on this change. Please make your selections below.
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