


Due Date


Research Report








Writing Circles










Research Report

Through analysis and synthesis of your ED500 self-reflective weblog, timeline and threaded discussion assignments, research and write a research report of yourself as a subject of education.  Your report can be created in any form and/or medium approved by Dr. Shutkin. (1750 words / 7 pages)


Boylorn, R. M. (2008). As Seen On TV: An Autoethnographic Reflection on Race and Reality Television. Critical Studies in Media Communication,25(4), 413-433. (available online)


Boylorn, R. M. (2011). Black Kids’ (B.K.) Stories: Ta(l)king (About) Race Outside of the Classroom. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies,11(1), 59-70.  (available online)


Chávez, M. S. (2012). Autoethnography, a Chicana's Methodological Research Tool: The Role of Storytelling for Those Who Have No Choice but to do Critical Race Theory. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(2), 334-348. (available online)


DeLeon, A. P. (2010). How Do I Begin To Tell a Story that Has Not Been Told? Anarchism, Autoethnography, and the Middle Ground. Equity & Excellence in Education, 43(4), 398-413. (available online)


Hughes, S. A. (2008). Maggie and Me: A Black Professor and a White Urban School Teacher Connect Autoethnography to Critical Race Pedagogy. Educational Foundations22(3/4), 73-95.(available online)


Miller, A. (2009). Pragmatic radicalism: An autoethnographic perspective on pre-service teaching. Teaching & Teacher Education, 25(6), 909-916. (available online)


Nutbrown, C. (2011). A box of childhood: small stories at the roots of a career. International Journal of Early Years Education, 19(3/4), 233-248.


Pennington, J. L. (2007). Silence in the classroom/whispers in the halls: autoethnography as pedagogy in White pre-service teacher education. Race, Ethnicity & Education10(1), 93-113. (available online)


Rodriguez, D. (2009). The Usual Suspect: Negotiating White Student Resistance and Teacher Authority in a Predominantly White Classroom. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 9(4), 483-508. (available online)


Smagorinsky, P. (2011). Confessions of a Mad Professor: An Autoethnographic Consideration of Neuroatypicality, Extranormativity, and Education. Teachers College Record, 113(8), 1701-1732. (Not available online)


Warren, J. T. (2011). Reflexive Teaching: Toward Critical Autoethnographic Practices of/in/on Pedagogy. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies11(2), 139-144. (available online)





Working in the ED500 educational environment, create a self-reflective weblog (on-line journal) of events accounting for AND questioning your lived experiences as a subject of education.  Your weblog is to include but is not limited to discussion, analysis and synthesis of the following: (+/-1000 thoughtful words)

  1. Narrative accounts of personal experiences as a student and/or as a teacher, from pre-school through graduate school and beyond, significant to your formation as a subject of education;
  2. Political, social, cultural, economic, educational events that trace historically  from before your birth and inform or are otherwise significant to your formation as a subject of education;
  3. Current events (political, social, cultural, economic, educational) that inform or are otherwise significant to your formation as a subject of education;
  4. Scholarly publications that inform or are otherwise significant to your formation as a subject of education.



Create a timeline of events to support your questioning and accounting of your lived experiences as a subject of education.  These events include but are not limited to the following:

1.   Personal experiences as a student and/or as a teacher, from pre-school through graduate school and beyond, significant to your formation as an educational subject;

2.   Historical events (political, cultural, social, economic, educational) that inform or are otherwise significant to your formation as a subject of education;

3.   Media events that inform or are otherwise significant to your formation as a subject of education;

4.   Scholarly publications that inform or are otherwise significant to your formation as a subject of education.


Time lines

American Educational History Timeline


Timeline of United States history

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Preceden:The Easiest Way to Make a Timeline

Preceden is a free web application that lets you make timelines.


TimeToast:Create Timelines, Share them on the Web

Timetoast allows people to create interactive timelines, which they can share anywhere on the web. Anyone can join Timetoast and start creating and sharing their own timelines, all they need is a valid email address.


xtimeline:Expore and Create Free Timelines

Xtimeline is a web 2.0 embeddable timeline widget and timeline content website. You can create timelines about any subject and display them on your blog or website.



Designed more as a way for a person to create their own personal timeline, their life story, augmented with images, videos, links, etc.Images can be uploaded from your computer or imported from a Yahoo image search or from flickr. YouTube videos can also be used.


Writing Circle Assessment: After class or at the end of class, please reflect and blog (Writing Circle Posts) about the discussions that took place during your writing circles including descriptions of the conversations, critically significant commentary, emergent ideas, new readings and directions for further developing your blogs, timelines and research. TheseWriting Circle Posts will form the basis for my assessment of your writing circles.  (+/-1000 thoughtful words)